How can a homeowner recognize when a roof System has problems?

1Damage On The Outside
Some of the signs of damage will be immediately visible. One of the most obvious examples is damage from fallen tree branches. However, the signs don’t have to be major. In fact, it’s a myth that if you see a broken or missing shingle that it’s just fine, and that roof damage only occurs in extreme situations. When you have a cracked shingle then that is, indeed, roof damage worth being concerned about. Some types of shingles can crack under thermal pressure. You may also see blistering on the shingles. If you can get close to the shingles safely, then you may see that they look pocked, and like they have micro-gaps within then. This may be from granules falling off over time.
2Damage Seen On The Inside
If your roof is damaged then you will likely begin to see the following signs inside your home or office:
-Stains and mold: If you look up and see a brown irregularly-shaped circle, sometimes with another smaller circle within it, then that’s a sign of water leaking in. They discolor a ceiling and give it a brownish-beige color. You may also notice “blooms” or colorful circles with irregular edges around them. These are blooms of mold that are spreading through the walls. This is definitely the time to call a roofer and begin the process of meeting with various contractors to hire one.
-Peeling wallpaper: This is a classic sign that moisture has gotten into the walls and is making the adhesive ineffective, causing wallpaper to separate.
-Rot and mold in the attic: Some people notice the smell first, but if you don’t then you can usually see the signs of mold in the dark brown either in the floor below, usually in corners, or in the attic itself. The mold can also be a greenish-gray color. Do not walk in your attic if you notice mold, because the strength of the boards is compromised by fungus.
Regular maintenance can prevent damage and can determine when a good time is to replace an older roof before it gets too old and starts to show signs of damage. Whether you need repairs or are looking for a contractor to assess your roof to start regular maintenance on it, Jackson Roofing is here to proudly serve you in Indiana.

What are my options if I decide to reroof?

1My roof leaks. Do I need to have it replaced completely?
This is decided based on the source of the leak and where it’s coming from. Consider hiring a professional roofing contractor instead of trying to determine the source of the leak yourself
2Can I do the work myself and save money?
Many homeowners trying to save money, try to fix leaks themselves and find they didn’t adequately address the source of the leak. Over time, the problem continued to grow until repairing the damage was no longer an option, and instead, they had to pay for a total roof replacement. Doing it yourself can also result in expensive dry rot repairs as the roof decking warps, rots, and cracks from excessive moisture that can’t properly dry out.
3How long can I expect my roof system to last?
For instance, asphalt shingle roofs tend to last around 20 to 25 years, while other types of roofing, like metal standing seam roofing, can last for 50 years or even longer, depending on your climate, type of property, and various other environmental factors including things like overhanging trees and the humidity percentage, amount of rainfall, or if you prone to roof hail damage.

How do I know what type of roofing shingle is best for my roof and my budget?

1What will a new Roof system cost?
Most homeowners pay between $4,700 and $10,460 for a new roof. When budgeting, keep in mind that the cost of installation and labor, as well as the cost of the material itself, will impact your bottom line. You’ll also need to account for the total square footage that your new shingles will cover. If you have a large roof area to cover, you might consider opting for cheaper materials.
2And what if my new roof leaks? Then what?
Many homeowners trying to save money, try to fix leaks themselves and find they didn’t adequately address the source of the leak. Over time, the problem continued to grow until repairing the damage was no longer an option, and instead, they had to pay for a total roof replacement. Doing it yourself can also result in expensive dry rot repairs as the roof decking warps, rots, and cracks from excessive moisture that can’t properly dry out.
3And what if my new roof leaks? Then what?
The first thing you need to remember is that panicking about it will not accomplish anything. You need to get in touch immediately with the roofing company that worked on your brand new roof, but you also need to be calm when you deal with them. The situation might be frustrating but they’ll help you resolve the issue as soon as they can.

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AK Roofing and More is here to provide you with more information, answer any questions you may have and create an effective solution for your roofing needs.

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